Kim Corcoran is the host of 2 on the Aisle: Broadway At Its Best. Born in Kendall, New York, thousands of years ago, Kim spent over 30 years living in Manhattan, osmosing Broadway into her veins (and city snark into her gray matter), so much so that she believes she actually was IN a show once upon a time with Ethel and Carol and Zero! (Take pity on her; there is no medication for this kind of fantasy life.) Kim recently retired from math tutoring (34.3333 years of it. And that’s a rational number!), and now fills her days with shopping therapy, writing, exercise classes, and biking (the kind without the motor). She likes looooong bike rides, having circumnavigated most of the Great Lakes, and completing several centuries (that’s 100 miles in one day, and living to boast about it). Kim is also a fan of traveling to exotic lands to eat exotic food and shop for exotic earrings. Her 2 children are hardly children anymore, but Kim pretends. Music wise, Frank Loesser, Stephen Sondheim, Cy Coleman, and Elaine Stritch light her fire! You can listen to Kim’s show every Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5pm on Jazz90.1. Check out the blog for her show by clicking here.

See Kim’s Broadway Favorites Playlist Here

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